Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hear me moan

I'd best start preparing for my eighteenth birthday. Why? Because after today's dress rehearsal I have aged another year! There was the expected assortment of line mistakes (here I put all the blame on the others) and nearly-missed blocking (note to self: bring Charity's hand up to kiss WHILE singing, "having you around"), but in addition, our all-freshman-volunteer set crew was on the incompetent side, any backstage sound over 15 decibels I heard sent me into another spasm, makeup all around was lacking, during 1.7 the mikes of Helene and Nickie came loose, during Act 1 Sc. 8 my own mike fell off about a third of the way into the scene, in 2.2 Vince lost his Big Daddy wig and my mike fell off AGAIN, while moving into position for 2.3 I scraped my leg when I halfway fell off the stage (becoming a trend? I hope not!), I felt my performance in 2.8 (which is half the preview the school sees tomorrow morning) was disappointingly weak, and Charity never unfroze me in 2.9. At least the theatre superstition says that we will now have an excellent performance tomorrow! *crosses fingers*

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

One last note

I have GOT to do something about this cough.


First, I will share that Lilith will unfortunately not be in Sweet Charity due to sickness. Sorry about that! Get well soon, Lilith! *hugs*

It is for that reason that the role of Big Daddy was reassigned to a freshman, identified here as Beta. Which brings me to my rant.

I have known for some time that not all of the students are particularly fond of Peter T, and he has shown his moments of flakiness, but today my respect for him took a severe blow. After today's dress rehearsal, I learned that from Vince that, to be more "choreographically comfortable," the role of Big Daddy is being taken away from Beta and given to him. This is wrong on so many levels!

First, Beta wants to do Big Daddy.

Second, Beta was the official understudy for Big Daddy.

Third, for the above reason, Beta already knows all of Daddy's lines and is doing quite a good job.

Fourth, as Vince is already Vittorio, it makes no sense to put him in another significant role.

Fifth, Vince does not want to do Big Daddy.

Sixth, everyone else I have talked to is opposed to stripping Beta of her part like this.


Keeping all this in mind, it was thought that Peter could be talked out of the recasting. Then the following ultimatum was delivered from on high: If Vince is not Big Daddy, then the Rhythm of Life will be cut! Aside from this being a despicably cheap shot, if Rhythm of Life is cut from the play, then we lose an entire scene including one of the largest and best dance numbers in Sweet Charity in addition to screwing up the scenes on either side of it. So, either Vince gets shunted into Big Daddy and a bunch of people are unhappy, or the Rhythm of Life is slashed from the play and nobody is happy. Bravo, sir. Bravo.

As a flaming cherry upon this sundae of vitriol, I will add that, despite my repeatedly bringing this issue to Peter T's attention, I still do not know what the choreography is for my solo!

To end this on a positive note, I will say that I will still take T over Daniel Fish.

EDIT: Whoops! I learned today that it is not T, but Laura at whom my ire should be directed.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Crunch time

We open Wednesday. *massive cracking of knuckles*

Overall I found the eight-hour rehearsal to be enjoyable and productive. We polished a few scenes here and there and worked out the choreography for "I Love to Cry at Weddings." I bet Oscar had to go through a lot of therapy after that experience. *chuckles* After all that we ran through the first act with the band accompanying. Would have followed with the second act in the same manner, but the band had to leave soon, so we got all the songs out of the way first before running the scenes. I am feeling considerably more confident about my solo.

Quite a few surprised (and pleased) reactions to my haircut when I arrived.

I'm glad that the Oscars are being recorded right now. I'll post my opinions on them at a later date, but I can't make any promises; the next two evenings are going to be CRUNCH TIME. And that's The Word. We'll be right--*is shot by Stephen Colbert*

Yesterday's news

Had a prep hike for Death Valley yesterday. It was fairly enjoyable, and I spent a lot of time swapping riddles with people. When Vince saw my haircut he exclaimed, "Oh, my god! It's a Christmas miracle!" An utterance like that is very like him. After I got back from the hike, Impulse and I saw Presence in The Cherry Orchard. Squeak was also there on violin. I found the play enjoyable, if confusing at times.

Today I have an eight-hour rehearsal for Sweet Charity. Our first performance is either on Wednesday or Thursday. I'll report on how it went after I get back and finish my homework.

Friday, February 23, 2007

'Tis done.

I just got back from the barber shop, and my hair is now >10% the length it was in a conservative '60s businessman's style. Oscar they want, Oscar they get!

Now to see my classmates' (and Peter T's!) reactions when they see me at the hike tomorrow (or on Monday)!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Leaks and alterations

Today I felt tears on my face for the first time since I can remember. The really annoying part of it is this: I had no good emotional reason to cry! It was just my sickness (which, fortunately, is on the way out) messin with me and telling my eyes to become hot and watery. Pthhhb.

Banquo also gave me some more sanguinary troubles after lunch today.

Sweet Charity news: We changed some parts of my song, including the additino of Chariy singing alongside me for the second half. Also, some notes were lowered, which is good. Holding the E above middle C is not something at which I'm particularly good. I sang bass in the choir last year.

Tomorrow I'm just going to go ahead and get my hair cut for the show. Yes, I like it long, but cutting it will make things easier on everyone else, a ponytail is not particularly Oscar-appropriate, and seeing Eloquent with shorter hair finally pounded some sense into me: If people are cutting their hair for auditions, I'm really being an idiot to refuse to cut it for a performance. Also, Vince will leave me alone now.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I. Hate. My. Solo.

Once I have some more practice with it and am not singing with a cold, things will be better, but for now I hate it.

I will also add that this afternoon's rehearsal inflicted me with near-terminal levels of boredom.

Not good

Knowing me, I should be over this bug by now, but it's still there and now I'm losing sleep over it. Looks like I'll be spending most of the day in bed. I'll still show up for Sweet Charity rehearsal, but definitely no kissing Charity!

I am a little worried. It's not like me to be sick this long without getting on the road to recovery.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

A load off my back

I just finished my application for the Oregon Shakespeare Seminar! Phew, those essays may have been short, but they were evil!


If my throat deceiveth me not, I am getting sick again. Grr.

Last night I saw The Complete History of America (abridged). Conventient, as that'll be the spring play. The RSC was very good, as always, but I think Shakespeare (abridged) is still at the top.

This weekend, I will see The Matrix for the first time. Here's hoping it's enjoyable!

Today I go to see Ten Little Indians with the other Venetians.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Yawn. Spray. Stack. Yawn.

Not much interesting today unless you count a freshman calling in a work crew favor from you interesting.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Not alone

It happened again. Every couple of days when I take a textbook out of my backpack I find some clear plastic beads hidden between the pages. No evidence as to how they got there. This has lead me to one conclusion: I am being stalked by evil plastic gnomes. They must sneak the beads into my backpack as tantalizing warnings of the horrors to come!! *raises arms and starts chanting in Latin*

Normally our Death Valley conditioning has the three-mile-ish run on Fridays, but since we don't meet this Friday the run was today. I must be gaining some benefit from this class as I beat Nikhil around and back for the first time today. I still would have no chance against Lewis, though. Why wasn't he here today? Most likely he's got another sport.

More Sweet Charity rehearsal. Today marked my first stage kiss (and first kiss in any context for those of you keeping score). Once we got it over with it really wasn't awkward at all, which was nice. I suppose some of the preceding tension was alleviated by the question ,"that's not a cold sore on your lip, is it?", the negative response, and then some joking about Charity kissing Oscar and then screaming, "My god, what's that on your lip!?"

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Medieval cross-dressing

We are doing scenes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail in drama right now. I am Bedevere in the witch scene. For reasons that escape me the directors want me to wear a yellow, pearl-chested dress sized for a girl who is noticeably shorter than I am...over my fat suit! I'll go along with it, but I have no doubt that I look absolutely ridiculous.

For Sweet Charity, I seem to be developing a real mental block about hand-holding. Charity needs a bit more work on her lines, but we still have plenty of time.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Love poems

Finished. I'm not sharing the sonnet, but I will put up the other one.

From Shakespeare’s pen and mouth of Cyrano
Countless flowery verses did once flow.
Love cannot be summed in phrases so.
From brushstrokes of da Vinci and Van Gogh
Countless vibrant, colored worlds did glow.
Love cannot be summed in pictures so.
From keys upon Beethoven’s piano
Countless notes and symphonies did grow.
Love cannot be summed in music so.
One in love can only love and know.

This may be the first time I have ever written a love poem. I'll be glad to get back to the old doom-and-gloom standbys when the muse rolls around again. Any day now...*taps foot*


Note that the title of this post only has five Es. That is so you can distinguish it from my profile heading.

Another issue of The Pillar was released today. It contributes to the title for two reasons:

1. My community service essay was published. Now my junior requirement is officially completed in full! Yahoo!

2. This issue contained the expozay (I don't know how to do the e-with-an-accent on a blog post, so I spelled it phonetically) on the behind-the-Commons folks, or, as the article dubs us, the "Commons Crew." Photo of me in it, and blurbs from myself, Lilith, Eye, and Bynx, among others. No, you almost certainly do not know who Bynx is, but that was her requested pseudonym should she ever come up in my blog. Strangely, the guys were the only ones who participated in the photo op.

Drama Advisory Board meeting today. Hopefully the lunch-long discussion will lead to a more effecient, less stressful schedule next year. The spring play is going to be The Complete History of America (abridged). If you think I won't audition, then you don't know me very well, do you?

Continued rehearsals of Sweet Charity throw my level of experience with dating/relationships (zero) into sharp relief: I can't even get the hand-holding right without guidance! Fortunately, Peter T thought that was appropriate to Oscar's character and we worked it into the blocking. Hee.

Now I've got a love poem to write (it's for class, so don't get any ideas!).

Friday, February 09, 2007

That's interesting.

Grr, my computer is being really slow right now. [/aside]

Hm. Can something be an aside if you haven't said anything else yet? I'll just assume so. [/other aside]

We'll be spending the next few creative writing classes watching Shakespeare in Love. [/third aside]

Now to my main point. Today at school I learned from a couple of freshmen (on two separate occasions, which adds credibility) that one of the freshman girls really likes me (to be honest, I had suspected something of the sort: calling out a greeting to someone at school every time you see that person isn't typical behavior). She's a perfectly nice person, but I just have to wonder why. Outside of the brief period of time she was cast in the Iraq War Project, she and I have had next to no contact. Perhaps it's my good looks? [NOTE TO SELF: Insert photo of Jude Law] Well, we talked at lunch today, and she asked me if I wanted to be friends. I said sure, but I hope that the "she's, like, obsessed with you" comment was an exaggeration; I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now, and even if I was I barely know her.

If I'm reading too much into this, it's probably because I've lived a lot of my life in a hole.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sweet, Sweet Charity

I began rehearsing my solo today. First solo I've had since I was in fourth grade. Now I remember why I generally don't go in for musicals, but at least I'm hitting the right notes. Actually, that's not entirely correct: I'm hitting the notes in the correct intervals and durations, but it all had to be shifted a few notes down; anything above middle C is out of my range unless I go falsetto. Amusing as it would be, I don't think it would be a good idea for Oscar to sing falsetto.

I now start Act II asleep and snoring. Peter T is being vague again: He told me that as I got to my feet I should wipe the drool from my mouth. Apparently he couldn't be bothered to tell me right off the bat that I shouldn't be wiping off actual drool!

I have another hour and then some to kill as I am stuck at school, but since I have some homework to do I'll switch over to that now.

Minor note

Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Japanese with English subtitles. Buh?

"If you do not show us the holy sake cup we, heavily armed, will break into your castle."

Makes me wonder what the witch scene would be like. *snickers*

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Counting to 19

I missed my first two classes to see the podiatrist today. Lesson of the day: report things like this immediately lest I get a bone infection and end up losing the toe entirely! Fortunately, he said he saw no sign of such an infection, but I still got to learn about the wonders of painkillers and toes covered in a disinfectant that makes them look oddly tasty. Great, and as I'm typing this I smell dinner. Anyway, here is a humorous exchange between Lilith and myself after rehearsal:

Lilith (singing): feel the rhythm of life, to feel that powerful beat, to feel the tingle in your fingers, to feel the tingle in your feet.

Me (not singing): Funny you should mention the tingle in the feet, because I think the anaesthetic is wearing off.

On the subject of rehearsal: today we ran all of Act 1. I was on book for the others during the 1st seven scenes. Vittorio, if you're reading this (and I know you aren't), get your lines solid! Apparently my elevator panicking is found to be very funny. On the other hand, I again forgot to wear a second shirt.

Lunch today was burritos. Blech. Why don't the people in the kitchen know that burritos are NO GOOD without cheese!?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

17, part 2

I have a few minutes to talk about my day, so here goes.

We spent creative writing talking about love poems, and by next Tuesday I have to write two, one rhyming and one not. This will be interesting. Nothing particularly riveting about Spanish.

Rehearsal was...interesting. I'm (as Oscar) turned on by wrist-rubbing and I use my sleeve as an oxygen tank. I think Oscar is devolving from a square to a total nutjob. One other item: Peter T wanted me to get my arms out of my sleeves during my panic attack. He did not at the time realize that I had only the one shirt on. I will have another shirt on during the performance; the audience probably isn't interested in my flab.

I have more to say, but I'l be leaving again in a few minutes, so 'bye!


My relatives in Michigan got me the two Books of Bunny Suicides. Very funny books they be!

Math quiz, but I think I aced it, so that's okay.



I turn seventeen today. Specifically, I turn seventeen about two thirds of the way through Spanish.

Monday, February 05, 2007

A hat trick of maladies

We Venetians are dropping like flies. Impulse has mono, Strident has broken her collarbone, and I have (Dun dun DUNNN!) an ingrown toenail. Poo. Will be seeing a podiatrist in the near future.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sound bites

Super Bowl Sunday today. Who cares? Not me! Moving on.

Poppet (I really need to come up with a better alias for him) came over yesterday. I was hoping to see some other friends too, but the fates have conspired against me.

Prom at my school was also yesterday. As I promised, I did not attend.

I saw All the Great Books (Abridged) today. Somebody forgot a line at one point (I think it was Dominic), but it was still quite funny. Saw Impulse there. Get well soon, Impulse!

Starting a new book by Terry Pratchett, Good Omens. "The Apocalypse has never been funnier?" Sounds like my kind of book, and Terry as the author is always a good sign.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Simple math

Dad + Solicitors = beverages sprayed onto the carpet from laughing as he TEARS THEM TO PIECES. "No, I'm just the live-in boyfriend. The husband is out right now." ... "Jamaica? What do they speak there, French or English? 'Cause, you know, those Calypso singers..." ... "That's in Florida, right?" *SPRAY*

(they call back)

*new voice* "Boyfriend!? What's this about a boyfriend? There is no boyfriend! Excuse me, but I'm going to have some serious words with my wife!" *click*

He's awesome. Unless you're a solicitor.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Creative writing

I submitted my Honors contract today. My mom was disappointed when I didn't go in for biology honors. She said, "this is the year to push a little." My current tally: 6/6 classes, 2 for AP, 1 for honors, plus a TA position, AWE, all three major drama productions so far this year, a hand in directing, Drama Advisory Board member, and planning to audition for the spring play as well. The colleges had BETTER appreciate this.

Currently we are writing essays based on pivotal moments of our lives. Mine: the night on the trampoline. I submitted my draft (approximately 70% of the end product, lengthwise) for class critique today. This means that I have about fifteen paragraphs of critique to look over tonight. Granted, there will be lots of overlap, but still.

Back on the subject of honors, each honors student needs, among other things, to submit a final project at the end of the year (plus regular progress reports) the equivalent of a 10-page paper. Mine's going to be a poetry compendium. If I was 100% sure I could get away with it (and I'm not), I would pull a few off my blog. "The Fire Lives" and "Locked Inside a Cell" would take up plenty of room. Or I could fill half the assignment just with the "Necromancer's Twelve Days of Christmas," but that would be cheap.

Will be seeing a few friends this weekend. It's been too long! [Beat.] Oh, shoot! I haven't even started making preparations! Er, not that I can work on that, what with being stuck at school for nearly two more hours. I could be getting homework done right now, couldn't I? Yes, I could. I will leave now.

...or I could have been doing homework had I not left my math books at home. *facepalm*

...That makes the second time in the last few months I have accidentally walked in on girls changing. Fortunately, I seem to have very good eye-averting reflexes. A word of advice, though: If you're going to change and you want privacy, don't change in the Commons!