Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Scientific Method

"So, what have you been up to, Peter?"

"Oh, I spent the morning sodomizing a dead cat. And you?"

Monday, September 22, 2008

Evaluations in CAPITALS

Seventeenth-century wigs look RIDICULOUS.

Tragic Greek obligation/revenge charts are COMPLICATED.

Cyclically second-guessing oneself is MADDENING.

End of line.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Drama update and whatnot

So we're coming up on performance weekend for The Learned Ladies. Today we rehearsed in full costume and makeup (except for wigs, which we get tomorrow). Costumes are period, Trissotin looks wonderfully ridiculous, Vadius looks like a vampire, and I have a bell-bottom vest. Also, now that I've shaved, I think that if I grew my hair long again I could pass for a girl. Not that I plan to; as I (eventually) realized with Sweet Charity, I'd just have to cut it short again for the next play. But I digress.

Lines are still a bit shaky for various cast members, and we've got a couple of sickees. Hope they recover soon. On the academic front, we've finished The Odyssey and are now on to The Oresteia, and we're coming to the last few proofs in Book 1 of the Elements.

Bad joke for the day: What do you call a psychopathic opera singer? Resonant Evil.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just watch


This will either make you crack up, go "Awwwwww," or both.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So the Theater Gods have again condemned my facial hair to a quick and painful demise. In fact, they have done so to just about every male in the cast. Hopefully I'll be able to recover by Halloween, as the others have plans for me to grow a goatee for a certain Terry Pratchett character whose name escapes me right now.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My brainchild

On September 30th a new holiday will be instituted: What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome Day?! Epic classical music will be played in the most banal of venues, businesspeople will run to Starbucks in slow motion and call their actions (upon this breakfast burrito I FEAST!), any revelation of object will be done with a flourish, and Everyone! Will act! Like! BRIAN BLESSED!

What's the significance of September 30th? None! And THAT is the significance!!!

Join me, readers! Join me in showing the world how Awesome 9/30 really is!

*logs off while O Fortuna plays in the background*

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Damn you, Zeus!

Sitting in Sci Lab. We're talking about classification. The conversation develops...talking about causes...talking about forms...talking about the two above in conjunction with Aristotle...

Here we go again...

"Sounds like we're about to get to the matter of pure form, no pun intended."

No, we weren't. *head desk*

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me?

My aim is to get The Pillowman put up on the St. John's stage, preferably this year. Since this is entirely my suggestion, I need to get everything worked out beforehand: rights (are they available?), budget, director/s (not me, except perhaps as a co-director; I couldn't pull it off myself), crew, and performance space. I might be able to do some fishing before or after rehearsal tomorrow for others interested, and I already have a budget outline. It's rather shoestring, requiring raiding of campus items and some BYOC from the students, but if need be I could pay for it entirely out of my own pocket. Not that I expect it to come to that; Chrysostomos does get funding.

Friday, September 05, 2008


So I hear a knock at the door. I open it to be greeted by a pair of garishly-and-scantily-dressed sophomores with the intention of acquiring my money.

...They were asking for donations to fund the big, sophomore-thrown part for the seniors. As for the dress code, your guess is as good as mine.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Last night...

...I had a nightmare about my D&D books getting wet at the bottom

And I haven't even been at a session for a year at least.

It is official: I HAVE NO LIFE.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

So, spear, we meet again.

Last night I auditioned for Moliere's The Learned Ladies. The good news? I have been cast. The bad news? My role seems to consist of three lines of IP and a fall. Of course, I am a freshie again. Climb the ranks, Peter. Climb the ranks.

In other news, my duplicity on Facebook has led another freshman (who, incidentally, was also cast) to decide that he shall continue to call me "Memorizes" (pronounced with a stressed "o" and short "i") in revenge for misleading him.