Thursday, September 13, 2007

More sonnetry

No rehearsal today: T was sick.

This appears to be Sonnet Week in poetry class. Homework for tomorrow was to write a sonnet on any topic, with love and death as suggestions. Here is my death sonnet:

The disadvantages of death are few,
For corpses have no knowledge of torment,
But this is quite a selfish point of view
If one would leave behind such men as Kent.
‘Tis better dead before senility?
Once there a life cannot be used in full.
Or better to waste no ability
And cowardly to flee the senses dull?
Yet what know I the quality of ends
When I and all my relatives yet live?
And when I pass I cannot make amends
With those who sought my misdeeds to forgive.
And yet I can’t ignore that when I fall
I forfeit joys, potential, mind, and all.


I wasn't planning for the Shakespeare allusion, but I wanted the first quatrain to touch on leaving others behind, and torment/Kent was the first rhyming match I could think of.

Snippets of Bat Boy began playing through my head while I was doing my Stats homework. It's been a while since that production: nearly four years. I recall that, after the last song, we added a Jamaican reprise. I never did understand why.


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