Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thinking is Serious Business

I went for a walk just now. Needed to get out of the house, but it also gave me some time alone with my thoughts. Just walking. Thinking. Coming to realizations. You gotta move on. And by you I mean me. It's the nonspecific "you," savvy. Talked to friends. Talked to parents. Asking for advice, getting it, accepting it, but just now did I fully come to the conclusion that you gotta move on. I keep worrying about "regression." Regression? Bullshit. I've just been holding myself back, and it's doing more harm than good. Gotta move on. How? Of course, the "how" is the trick. Accept, but don't embrace. Allow, but don't push. Strike the balance. Where's the balance point? Why can't everything be a science? The cry of a left-brained person in a right-brained world. I'm sick of this. I've been sick of it for a long time, but I've been holding on way too long and I need to let go. Need to move on. Somehow.

And did I mention it's boiling outside?

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