Friday, January 11, 2008

School news.

Either Zeus is a little too fond of Thomas Aquinas or he forgot to take his crazy pills before Humanitas today. His teachings were logically sketchy before, but now he's in direct conflict with basic laws of physics. "Everything in motion (physical or not) tends toward rest." Um, not according to Newton's 1st Law. Everything in motion tends toward motion unless externally influenced. "Complete happpiness will, when reached, end any personal loss of energy." Well, if you're gonna remain alive (and what can be emotional when dead) your brain will require energy, and expending none breaks the Law of Conservation.

The AP Stats teacher will be gone after today. He says his departure is for personal, not professional reasons, but the students (myself included) guess otherwise.

We spent History of Justice in mock judicial review of the Westboro Baptist Church v. Albert Snyder case. In my opinion, the actions of the church fell outside of the 1st Amendment not regarding freedom of speech, but the right to "peaceably assemble." When you inflict emotional distress and have to regularly ask the police in advance for security during your deomnstrations, I say you ain't peaceful.

We're laying the groundwork for two-person scenes to be written in Dramatic Writing (whose class size is now stable at 4). I need to find a pair of character models.

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