Saturday, February 09, 2008

Blood, sweat, and sharpie

Making good progress on my Humanitas project. In case I haven't mentioned it before, the assignment was a representation of God/the one/pure form. Mine is my attempt to wrap my head around eternality, although I wish I'd come up with a less labor-intensive concept than a transparent rotating timeline. The frame is 90% constructed, and I just finished the last of the timeline images (but I'd better get high marks in the concept department, as technically it's looking rather shoddy. Sharpie on acrylic is apparently the only way to get free-standing (after Epoxy), see-through images, and such a medium leaves very little room for precision or erasing). Tomorrow morning should give me enough time to attach all my images to the timeline base. Monday I bring the timeline back to school and attach the tapers. Tuesday I finish the axis of rotation and put the timeline on. Wednesday I install the timeline into the frame and secure the final crossbeam. Thursday I present (so says the schedule, but in reality we're running behind). That parenthetical note theoretically gives me the long weekend to do any extra work, but once I Epoxy the images I'll hit the end of what I can do at home, seeing as the frame is too big and spindly to transport with ease.

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