Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This is Urinetown!

So. I haven't posted for quite a while. I've been busy. But Urinetown opens tomorrow night, so here's a quick catch-up.

I feel good about the performance. Our newbie tech guy made some nasty mistakes during dress tonight, but we have tech, makeup, and costumes on top of our lines, songs, and blocking, and it's all fitting together well. I finally have a lock on my F-sharp. Props have been assembled. Our Incompetent Freshmen Set Crew from Hell is turning into a genuine set crew under the guidance of our graduated stage manager. The songs sound great. We open tomorrow night.

Now for the bad: I dislocated my left knee this afternoon. Basically, I was trying to perform a partial split style (jazz split?), and my utter lack of flexibility decided to punish me for it. It was quite painful, as dislocations are wont to be, but momentary and thus far from incapacitating. T, however, apparently still has guilt from when I badly dislocated my right knee two years ago and asked if he ought to call the paramedics ("no need"), considered fetching crutches ("really, it's not that bad"), and tried to convince me to deliver all my lines and songs during the dress rehearsal while sitting in the audience ("Over my dead body!"). I probably sound like the stereotypical wanna-be-tough guy right now--"it's just a sprain"--but seriously, I had full motion back nearly immediately. Worse has happened, and in this very cast, too--two days ago Vince (our lead) had to get staples from a chair falling on his head. T is also insanely superstitious about saying Macbeth--which, for the record, I had not--but that's another issue.

Back to the good. Presentations of our second art projects in Humanitas are coming up, and this time I'm ahead of schedule. This time the assignment was a representation of the relation between the One (read: god) and the Many. Mine's basically a mass game of hide-and-seek with blindfolds and no chance of success, as I (acting as the One) in this activity will not be there to be found. Zeus and Art liked the idea when I bounced it off of them.

Time to turn in. *hums "Snuff That Girl" on way to bed*

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