Saturday, May 10, 2008

The end of an era

That's all, folks. Never again will I be doing a show in high school.

We had a lot of technical snafus last night, such as Vince getting a nosebleed during Scene 8 and me crushing my champagne glass during the Tom/Pooty death scene, but I felt the acting was our best yet.

The spring play has been denied a review in the school paper for two years in a row, but I managed to accost one of the writers tonight. Hopefully we'll get one this time.

Vince's eternal presence, Ratched's sheer dedication, Candy's intensity ("Scream, Cheryl, SCREAM!!!"), Little Sally's...for lack of a better word, happiness, Lockstock's oddball-yey-compelling characters, Hope's ability to call up laughter or "awww"s with equal ease, and, of course, T as a friend as well as a director...I'm going to miss all of them.

*turns and looks behind, fades to sepia*

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