Thursday, May 08, 2008


Opening night is finis! It went really well, technical hiccups notwithstanding (mostly champagne glass-related). Got to talk with Loyal afterward. :)

First Act: I was playing Uno backstage. I'm sure it went well, though.

Tom: I never really felt solid on the Tom scenes, but T said they were particularly good tonight, so I can't complain.

Tim Timko: Playing a loud-mouthed sleazebag can be quite fun. Ah, who am I kidding? It is fun by definition. Bonus points for running around shirtless.

Third Doctor: Well enough.

Tom Jr: The acting felt good, but I still hate my costume no matter how fashionable people say it is. At the end of the scene my pants were actually in danger of falling off!

Cabaret steals our Saturday (grrr), so tomorrow is our second and last performance. So sad...


Andy Cantor said...

*sigh* I hate to go with the trend, but...

You DID look awesome in that costume.

Nearly unrecognizable, but still awesome. :)

Peter said...
