Sunday, May 03, 2009

Doom (the movie)

I just saw it. I loved it.

Yes, it is poorly-acted, incredibly cheesy and predictable, and not at all scary. And you will likely think Doom terrible if you go in expecting it to be a legitimate, takes-itself-seriously horror movie. Because it is not: it is a parody of horror movies and a celebration of First Person Shooters. If you have doubts that it is not intended as a parody, I present the following points as evidence:
  • Just before Pinky is jumped by one of the monsters, his last words are, "Oh god, there's something right behind me, isn't th--"
  • The Rock's last words while getting dragged through a doorway are, "I'm not supposed to die yet!" (He doesn't.)
  • There were shout-outs not just to the game itself, but to well-known mods for the game.
  • The final confrontation (not even counting the FPS segment--more on that later) could have been put in a game as the final boss fight, and it would fit PERFECTLY. Entering a large, circular, two-level room, dropping your weapons to go mano a mano with the for-now-human boss, once he reaches half health he starts mutating and gets a difficulty upgrade, and you then need to figure out how to kill him with the environment?
  • The movie as a whole was so trope-heavy, including lampshadings (such as the two mentioned above) that we couldn't even call them all out, try as we might.
  • When the scientist realizes, "This thing didn't kill [character] IS [character]!" the marine in the lab responds, "What?" Not a horrified or incredulous what, an I-don't-get-it what. Cue scene change.
  • The first-person segment. Yes, it is obvious what they are doing here, and it comes late enough in the movie to be hilarious. The enemy appearances, player movement patterns, and even reloading actions are spot-on, there is a weapon pickup (the chainsaw, of course), Doom Guy encounters a mini-boss where he needs to use the new weapon to prevail, and they even worked in a RESPAWN!
Doom falls squarely into the Guilty Pleasures category, but if you are familiar with such video games it's definitely good for a laugh.

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