Friday, May 15, 2009

Never underestimate the power of dramatic timing.

Final math class was today, and our tutor let us replace it with a game of softball (note to self: next time, do not wear a turtleneck!). During the time were were waiting for the opposing class to arrive and warming up, I found myself practice-pitching to Gerrard. After a few swings of varying quality , I realized the conclusion to the 1812 overture was playing, and we were almost at the big finish, so I held off the pitch.

Daa daa DAAA da daa, daaaa, da da da da daaa, d*pitch*a da

WHAM! Right on the first great downbeat, Gerrard connects and the ball goes flying over the horizon. I'm not one for sports, but that was a Crowning Moment of Awesome.

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