Tuesday, December 04, 2007


First read-through for Urinetown was today, and I can tell that I will enjoy playing Caldwell VERY much. I get to sing a song about killing bunnies, for crying out loud!

Finally we have returned to meditations in Humanitas. Today was more disturbing than previous days. From when I entered the meditation to when I opened my eyes I felt a bit scared for no discernible reason. It was similar to the meditation I tried just before the Friday performance of Cuckoo's Nest. I have identified two recurring figures in these exercises: the zombies and the Black Cloud. I haven't yet figured out what the Black Cloud is, but it's connected to the zombies and I think it has something to do with guilt. I'll have to keep an eye on where I go in upcoming exercises.

The following poem is the result of an exercise during a Shel Silverstein presentation in Poetry:

I'm back, little kid--don't you remember?
I'm the snowman you made and forgot last December.
I started to melt the very next day,
So I hopped on the train to Canada. Eh?
Some older kids wanted to play a mean joke,
So they gave me a beer and taught me to smoke.
My top hat is ragged; my eyes are not coal,
But rather some Agent Smith glasses they stole.
My poor Christmas spirit is as dead as an ember,
So take better care of what you make in December.

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