Saturday, December 22, 2007

Such classic themes

Semester grades arrived the other day. All things considered, I came through all right, and I'm still on the Dean's List *wipes brow*. But the reason I am posting is one of the comments that came with my grade in Poetry:

"His poems are honest, but deeply personal on the universal themes of love, loneliness, technology, angst of teenage life, repressed emotions, darkness of human nature, and even romantic style gothic ballades."

Wait, back up. Technology? The only poems I can remember writing with any sort of technological bent are The Black Machine, which is symbolic and a reference to Cuckoo's Nest, and my second slam poem, which targets the culture of the Internet. I can't say either of those poems are particularly personal. And since when is technology a universal theme? At any rate, it seems a bit incongruous with its neighbors. *shrug, smile*

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