Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Had I your tongues and eyes...

More work on King Lear today. We covered 2.4 and the storm scene, among others. Omnipotent really made me think about why I would move from one place to another. Apparently, when other people aren't sure of what to do on stage they begin to wander, while I do the exact opposite and root myself. This is a habit I will need to work hard to break. I am also growing more comfortable with the storm scene, not sitting on the instinct to gesticulate. It brings an interesting mental picture: that of a flame-wreathed Lear slowly burning away from the feet upwards, not falling as his feet and legs are consumed, but rather hanging in space until the flames close over his face and he vanishes entirely..."No, I will be the pattern of all patience. I will say nothing."

Our bake sale was at lunch today. My muffins sold okay, but there are still eight-ish left over. Fireball says that they would sell better if I billed them as cupcakes, which makes little sense to me.

Fundraiser breakfast on Friday. I bring the plates for it, but I will not be partaking since the milk is going to be 2%. Ugh. Skim milk is good, but everything else is too much like fatty paint to drink and enjoy. And don't try to mix skim with low-fat either, because I will look at it and KNOW! YOU CANNOT HIDE! *panting*

I'm cool.

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