Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dreams and prophecies

"Prisoner at the bar, have you anything to say?"
I hear the judge inquire at trial upon the break of day.
But he knows my case already, for the gavel man is me,
And jury, and, in time, my executioner I'll be.
In vain do I protest I had no power o'er my crime,
For few can rule the happenings within the dreaming time.
"The crime is yours, and no one else could ever take the blame;
I must condemn the perpetrator: you and he the same.
And yet your crime do you regret and fully understand:
I therefore choose to sentence you to death by your own hand."
I leave the court condemned, but I wear no chains because
Without them I'm a prisoner as much as e'er I was.


When nature lovers drown in leaves
And every dog its master grieves
When artists from their scaffolds fall
And birthday cakes are poisoned all
When models' throats are slit by mirrors
And laughing children choke on tears
Then shall knowledge of a smile
Turn to something dim and vile
When families burn on Christmas morn
And flowers have their petals shorn
When houses all are made of smoke
And every book a fire doth stoke
When words of love live not in tongues
And judges blind themselves to wrongs
Then ends the time when, if in pain
The world could have begun again


Andy Cantor said...

These are great! I love the subject of the first, and the second has wonderful scansion. I also like how you based the second on the fool's speech. :)

Peter said...
