Monday, October 01, 2007

I have returned.

The Ashland field trip was very enjoyable, as Ashland is wont to be. We saw a Depression-set As You Like It the first afternoon, although I didn't get much out of the first act due to fighting of sleep. That night we saw Taming of the Shrew, which was very well done, in the outdoor theater. Over dinner Red, Tech, and I developed a preposition-scrambling language which eventually mutated into an intelligible monstrosity to all around us (and even ourselves in the last few minutes). The next day we took sometime to stroll about Ashland and swap riddles, and I ran into Song! What are the odds, I ask you!?

It was raining during Romeo and Juliet, but I was in the last row to receive full shelter. Juliet must have been freezing. I believe R&J was my favorite of the three plays (this may have changed had I better remained alert during AYLI).

The van rides each way were very long, as rides to Oregon are wont to be. I wrote a couple of poems during the field trip, one of which I'll share below, and Red and Tech agreed with me that my classical element is Earth.

I returned to school just in time for part 1 of Cuckoo's Nest memo tests. Methinks I got a A.

And here I digitally stand before you.

Speaking of Shakespeare, I plan to see Cal Shakes' version of King Lear this Friday. PLEEEASE be better than last year's The Travesty of Venice!

Oh, right: poem. This one I wrote on the ride north. It got started and then wandered where it would. Morbid and strange.

Shadows spin
Crack a grin
Sun is shining red
Opal steam
Broken beam
Masks of newly dead
Clouds are low
Charcoal glow
Ripples cross the land
Side by side
Lying hand in hand
No more fears
No more tears
No more worldly mess
Now we laugh
Half and half
Damning as we bless
Mirror souls
Cooling coals
Land embraces sky
Blooming pain
No one slain
Only we could die

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