Wednesday, October 17, 2007

(insert topic title here)

I returned from college visits last night, including Reed (spent the night there), Sarah Lawrence (didn't see Bedlam or Atlas there, sadly), Lewis & Clark, and Occidental. All of them continue to look superb from the educational standpoint, so where I go will most likely come down to where I can most easily live. SL takes a hit for the food quality.

On a downward note, on Sunday I came down with the Mordor Mystery Malady that has plagued me twice before. This time may have been the worst ever; it took a long time for the shot to kick in, and at one point I started shaking uncontrollably. Fortunately I had recovered by the next morning, and Sunday was the only day we had no obligations. So it could have gone a lot worse.

It rained lightly today. Vince, seeing me in a T-shirt and exhibiting no sings of freezing, maintains his theory that I can feel no discomfort, in support of which he cites a day in Physics I have forgotten wherein I spent notable amounts of time conducting electrical current without bothing to ground myself. I do not remember this, but I do remember hogging the mini-Tesla coil. One of my classmates asked me to step away so he could have a turn at it, and as he did so, he reached for my arm. *BZZT...smolder*

Lesson learned: You don't touch anyone who has been gathering electricity for more than a minute running.

I have homework to do, poems to finish.


Andy Cantor said...

MMM? Are you ok?

I agree that you seem to have an odd disregard, or abscence of discomfort. (jabenyeros)... (sp)

Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter said...

*facepalm* Ignore the previous comment.

I knew the pattern of the MMM already, so we got to the doctor posthaste and whatever was in the shot helped the worst to pass by that afternoon. Thank you for asking.