Friday, October 03, 2008

Audition news

Auditions for Little Shop of Horrors are tomorrow, and I definitely want to get cast as the dentist, both for enjoyment and the fact that it looks like my best vocal fit. But I need to work on a song, and pick it fast. Les Miz has been disallowed, and I can't do Phantom at audition levels, so that leaves me with Urinetown. But what to sing? "Mr. Cladwell'' is probably my strongest, but it goes into a choral section early on. "Cop Song" is more of a patter song than melodic. "Don't Be The Bunny" is solid and entirely solo, but it feels a bit too methodical for an Orin audition song. "Snuff That Girl" has the perfect feel, but the second verse is sung by a girl, so I don't know if the director would mind me choosing that song.

Scratch "Cop Song." It's the one with which I'm least lyrically familiar, and it doesn't show off my singing ability as much as the others.

Scratch "Mr. Cladwell." The director might want me to keep singing when the chorus comes in, and it doesn't feel quite character-appropriate.

Snuff or bunny? Hmmm... Snuff is more energetic, but bunny is more sadistic. I'm more familiar with bunny, and I don't have to gender-bend any verses...

Don't Be the Bunny it is. Now I should really get a good night's sleep.


Este Gardner Cantor said...

yay!!! I love that song!

Este Gardner Cantor said...

oops, sorry, that was lilly. XD