Saturday, October 04, 2008

The D&D campaign has begun

At last!

It's a 10th-level campaign. The party consists of a griffon-riding paladin, a chaotic good erinyes devil (with some modifications to fit the ECL*), an enchanter who sounds like Sean Connery, a low-wisdom-but-very-tankish fighter serving as a lieutenant commander (that's me), and an archery-focused Batman (or as close to Batman as one will get in D&D). We are currently on an airship reconnaissance mission (upon which I am said lieutenant commander), and in the first session we have had to fight off a pair of zombified windghosts, one of which ate the erinyes, who proceeded to cut and burn his way out. Unfortunately, one of the cannons on the airship has blasted open a skyberg containing a Demon Heart-powered construct. We'll find out how that goes next session.

*The devil was initially obscenely powerful, but then I explained the ECL rules to the guy helping to stat this character, resulting in considerable nerfs and my title of "Rules Lawyer Bitch Bitch Bitch Nazi Bitch."

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