Sunday, October 29, 2006

[barbaric] YAWP!

Several notes:

Thanks to hard work, Google, Wikipedia, and [in no small part at all] a father who knows his way around music files and CD burning, I have conquered the Weekend of DOOOOOM!

Tomorrow, Reindeer Soup rehearsal goes into overdrive. School ends and rehearsal begins at noon. Rehearsal ends at 10.

Earlier today I met up with mine friends Venetian (I'll explain that later). Strident, Penguin, Squeak, and Eloquent were there initially, and Everything showed up a bit later. We browsed a Halloween costume shop where Eloquent tried and failed to purchase a mannequin head and I discovered that one size does not fit all when it comes to rubber skeleton masks: it fit Strident fine while blinding me! After that we went clothes-shopping/browsing. I suggested a possible modification to Strident's vampire costume and Eloquent purchased an impossibly garish outfit for Halloween. After meeting Everything outside and exchanging many hugs we got gelato while talking about our respective chemistry teachers. I'll never forget Squeak's account of her teacher. "...which resutled in the test tube full of 12-molar HCl exploding. Just standing there, his arms dripping with hydrochloric acid, he says, perfectly deadpan, "Let's go to break now."" Much laughter there. Finally we walked up to a stretch of grass, talked, and compared cell phone wallpapers. There it was that I learned that when my hair is up, my picture can be mistaken for that of a girl even by close friends, even when the real me is right there for comparison. I was quite amused. I also resumed my old Venetian role as a shoulder springboard.

Even earlier today I met another friend of mine I had not seen for three months, whom I shall call Poppet unless and until he objects. We discussed much Dungeons & Dragons, played much Gamecube, and read much (well-deserved) ranting about The Merchant of Venice as directed by Daniel Fish.

Earlier still I took a shower. Nobody reading this cares about that beyond possibly considering it a good thing that I do take showers.

My costume in Reindeer Soup calls for it, and so today I acquired jeans for the first time in approximately a decade. My fellow actors were floored when they learned that I did not own jeans.

I will take another stab at ending my blog with a good quote.

"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base."
--Dave Barry (of course)


Andy Cantor said...

yay human springboard! *bounce, boing, bounce*

I loved that mask! I thought it looked good on you! even if it barely fit over your face...

And did Penguin ever explain the dirty part of that joke I was supposed to kill him for? Cause on second consideration I'm not sure I even got it right.

Peter said...

He refused.