Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Midterm grades and hair

Midterm grades arrived today, and they're straight As with one A+. Well, not all As: two Bs, but those classes give me honors credit, so it's effectively all As. Strangely, my advisor/play director/independent study supervisor/drama teacher referred to me as female at one point in his comments. Last I checked I was definitely male. Maybe it's the hair?

On that note, yes, I am growing my hair out, and right now it's at a length my parents consider a bit more female. I like it, but it can be a problem when I'm moving about on stage and my hair keeps obscuring my face. It's not yet ponytail length, so tying it back looks ridiculous. Hair spray will probably be the answer to the play problem. As I was discussing this with my parents, my dad commented that it's a good "Wayne's World" length. "Maybe Peter [Peter T, not me] would consider changing the play at this point." (he sings) "Iraq War! Iraq War! IDEs! Excellent!" Laughter. I promise to blog the conversation. "Uh oh."

I want to end this blog with a quote, but I can't think of a good one, so here's one of mine. "That's why it's called Darwin's Theory of Evolution instead of Darwin's Theory of PRESTO!"


Andy Cantor said...

W00t to all As! Great job!

Yeah, I have to admit your Hair does lean slightly towards the femminine spectrum of hairdoos. No worries though. Of all the guys in the shakespere group, your hairlength is only a tiny bit over average, and those people are the coolest people I know, so again, no worries.

Penguin: Long
Eloquent: Afro
Abscent: Medium
Man: Short (although if we're counting leg hair... veeeeery long.)
Closet-goof: Short
Present: Short
You: Medium-long

Peter said...

I was almost forced to lose my locks today when hair spray and hair gel together failed to restrain my hair from a good shaking. Rachel changed her mind when I fell down twice without problems, however.

Andy Cantor said...

Phew! Close call!

See you tomorrow at Eli's thing!

Oh wait... it's 1:30. So I guess I'll see you later today. XD