Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Audition prep

I have learned that I will be competing with actors numbering at least twice the roles in the play, including some of my school's best and longest-standing actors. I really want to be in America Abridged. I need to stand way out if I am to have a hope of getting cast. I have two days to prepare. Fellow auditioners, get ready for WAR!

I have memorized two monologues from America Abridged, and I am just about to start work on the aforementioned monologue from Shakespeare Abridged. I may even do a fourth, time permitting. Probably not something from the RSC: I need to demonstrate variety. To supplement Reed's monologue from AA, I will be preparing the signs he uses, and if I can get it cleaned up I will wear my bald wig. Should be easier now that my hair is short. I would have also done something from The Bible Abridged (as I own the script), but it only has one monologue that isn't even very funny! Grr.

Now it's off to record and memorize monologue #3.

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