Thursday, March 08, 2007


Why have I gone so berserk over this audition? Yes, I am a big fan of the Reduced Shakespeare Company, but when one monologue is asked I prepare 4 monologues and make the props? I didn't do anything remotely close to this for Reindeer Soup or Sweet Charity. Perhaps I'm just overcompensating for the heightened bar for auditions now. Even so, I only originally planned to deliver the two from America Abridged. Somebody once said (I forget who, but I think it was either Twain or Einstein), "A fanatic is somebody who redoubles his effort when he has forgotten his aim." Does this apply to me? Do I not know why I still try out for theater? No, I remember that, at one point during Sweet Charity preparations I almost felt at home. But I have displayed this tendency before, to sieze onto a task and beat it into the ground. These flashes of, for lack a better word, fanaticism, appear to punctuate my usual tendency, which is to skim, to go quick and shallow. I've mentioned this before, but the majority of projects I pick up are shortly afterward abandoned, only partially finished. Karla's comments on my story were to this effect as well: she said that I was moving very (read: too) quickly.

Speaking of my story, I have hit a snag with the end. My secondary characters take over for the last page and a half, but given the nature of the ending I can't think of how to fix that without performing a complete conclusectomy.

In other news, nominations for next year's Town Meeting officers were held today. Somebody (I don't know who) nominated me for all four positions: President, VP, Secretary, and Moderator. I declined each one in turn; leadership positions just aren't for me.

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