Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Info barrage

I got my short story second draft back. Made a couple of changes for plausibility's sake, but I'll probably tweak it even more before I turn in the final on Monday.

Play rehearsal is proving to be quite interesting. In the space of a few minutes I progress from gangsta* to munchkin** to sexy-voice woman.*

*Jen will be giving me lessons on these tomorrow. I find it slightly amusing that I am receiving lessons on both of these from the same person.

**Complete with super high-pitched voice. This is tough. When I send my voice up to the required pitch it usually becomes garbled. Think Smeagol on helium.

Lines for the first act are due tomorrow. No worris, especially now that the Lewis & Clark intro monologue has received the axe.

I had a blood test today on account of my toe, whose affliction has held out beyond the podiatrist's expectations. A bit surprising that the needle only hurts at the moment it breaks the skin. I have no idea when I'll get the rsults, but it shouldn't take long. The podiatrist said that he needs to check for possible bone infection. He doesn't think I have any; it's just the procedure. First step was X-rays, although apparently those only show anything if 30-50% of the bone is gone already. Huh. You would think that missing 30-50% of a bone you walk on would be self-evident, but what do I know?

A lesson to you all out there: Do NOT buy a computer hooked up to the school network. This one has given me nothing but greif as a result for the last year and a half, ranging from the trivial (can't change my home page, can't set screensavers) to the troublesome (Search is disabled, can't install certain programs) to the inexcusable (My Documents is kaput, if I bring my laptop to school files get erased). Finally it's just become too much and I am (read: my dad is doing me a favor by) gutting the computer of school software. Bon voyage! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

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