Sunday, June 01, 2008

Winding down

So. Catch-up.

I have taken two out of five finals (Modern Western Thought and Dramatic Writing), with AP Stats and Humanitas tomorrow. For Stats I'll be taking about t-tests, z-tests, and Mutants & Masterminds. Yep, I have a two-part math project based on RPG write-ups for comic book characters. I am such a geek.

Class with the Shakespeare God is going very well. We've finished working on our monologues and have moved on to short two-person scenes. I'm now playing the titular character in Hamlet 3.4, which means I kill Polonius and yell at Getrude. I continue to hold my reputation of Monsieur Memorizes-Everything-In-Two-Seconds. The main points I need to work on in general are taking my time with the lines and not falling into the trap of running them only for the words when I'm on my own.

Yearbooks came out on Friday. This was the first year in color, which was nice, but why do I look like I'm wearing lipstick half the time?

I'll post my Dramatic Writing scene when I get it back.

Two weeks and a day to Cal Shakes Summer. Yee!

Whoops. Still need to finish my "Who Am I?" essay for Humanitas. Later.

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