Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm all right!

I have heard that the poems I've been putting up here have scared some people who know me. This, in turn, scares me, as these people know me quite well and I thought that I projected myself as a rather lighthearted guy. So I will take this opportunity to say that I am completely fine. I do not support or plan to imitate the contents of my poems, and I promise that the next poem I put up here will be lighthearted, silly, or both, and will not involve any deaths. I have not undergone any serious mental changes that I am aware of or that friends have pointed out to me. I am not a closet sadist, psychopath, or anything like that. I am, and will remain, Peter the Disconcerting (in a good way, or so I am told).

P.S. I draw the line at poems about bunnies and butterflies.


Andy Cantor said...

Haha, I've been having the same problem! I read one of my poems to my mom, and she was slightly weirded out, and mentioned that she guessed I was trying to work something out. IT'S JUST ART! It doesn't always nessisarily immitate reality. Personally I really liked your last poem. And it definately didn't make me think you were a homicidal psycopath or anything. You'd have to do something a bit more drastic than that to make me worry about your sanity. Especialy after having spent a whole summer, and then some hanging out with you. You strike me as a perfectly sane guy. Certainly not without your own brand of oddity, and disconcertingness, but most definately, and unquestionably, sane.

Peter said...

Thank you for the corroboration, Lilly.

One other thing: My dad drew a pretty sadistic cat-related comic strip in college, and do people worry about him? No!

Lilith said...

Well... for the most part it's just art, but it does have to come from SOMEWHERE, right? And that somewhere is your head. So why is death in your head? Ooh, that sounds cool... Anywho, I'm never worried about people who write about death and other mentally strange things because it's human nature. We all wonder about death, it's normal. Now, I've never read any of your poems (that's what I was off to do when a shiny object, namely this post, caught my eye) and I've only heard one, but it seems very normal. Now, when someone starts going on and on about how they need to die, and that's all they write about...