Friday, November 16, 2007


Pirates are bursting with glee
For they have a lifetime to plunder the sea
Strap on yer eyepatch and sign up with me
You are a pirate!

Ninjas may be cooler, but pirates get the best songs.

Anyhoo, as you can see, I have returned to my blog now that my life is slightly less hectic and hellish. It's still not great: I have developed a nasty cough and I am massively sleep-deprived. Oh, that way madness lies! Let me shun that. No more of that.

We are now reading The Taming of the Shrew in Shakespeare class, and recitations are being picked out. Red and I will be doing the first round of Petruchio (that's me) vs Kate. I confess the block of text is a little ambitious, considering the minimum is 14 lines: between the two of us we have 104. What can I say? I like the wordplay, and I'm willing to take on the majority of that chunk. Regarding costumes, I had an idea this afternoon of Petruchio in full lion-tamer circus getup (complete with curly moustache if I can obtain one). Red seems to like it.

Speaking of 'staches, I will be growing mine back now that we've finished the play. Saturday night, I believe, was our strongest performance. There were no noticeable line or tech gaffes, and I think the acting overall was best tonight. Loyal, Song, and Gentleman came to see it. Yayyy! *hugs* Oh, right. I'm sick. *sterilizes hugged parties* Tonight I changed up the curtain call a little. Normally I just come on in my patient's outfit, but this time I entered as end-of-play Bibbit, i.e. shirtless and with my throat covered in blood.

I hope we get back to meditations in Humanitas soon.

I'm seeing Argonautika at Berkely Rep this evening, physical condition permitting. Our Classical Worlds teacher came back with rave reviews, and we have a field trip scheduled in two Wednesdays, so I will definitely see it at least once.

Urinetown and Pajama game remain locked in battle to be This Year's Musical. We will find out on Monday which it is.

Signing off.


Anonymous said...
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Integrity said...

Haha i think my mum went to see that play too! random!