Saturday, November 03, 2007


Composition class with Softy has begun again! Whee! *runs around hugging random people*

Loyal and Slasher returned as well (as has Sunshine, but she had to miss today for work on Twelfth Night, which is really ironic when you consider that the play we are working on in class is Twelfth Night), and we got Knight, Song, and Gift, Lantern's younger sister, and a new girl. Apparently another guy signed up for the class, but as he was also absent I am currently the sole source of testosterone. Not that it matters; when I'm with the Venetians (it's easier to say "Venetians" than "Venetians and/or Riotous Knights," so that's what I'm sticking with) I don't even pay attention to gender categories. I just become smiley with the knowledge that I'm around such incredible people again.

Today's class included warmups Softy-style (oh, how I miss those warmups!), five minutes of automatic writing (either I'm a really slow writer or everyone else is really fast) and soundscapes using Orsino's opening monologue. A bit of angelic chorus may have snuck into ours. *shifty eyes*

No more class until Saturday, but until then it's all theater all the time (Cuckoo's Nest performs this week!), so I may be able to survive. Then again, I may not (see yesterday).

On the notes of theater and survival, I am sharpening my knife for immediate post-performance use on our line-shoddy Harding and McMurphy (mostly Harding). Ooh, that reminds me: Vein #11 from yesterday was that Ruckley dropped the play outright. LESS THAN A WEEK BEFORE OPENING NIGHT! Sure, he has very little blocking, and the only thing he ever says is, "Fuck 'em all!", but it's the principle! This is why one maps out one's conflicts BEFORE getting cast!

Enough angry posting. I want to smile some.

But I don't have time. Shakespeare Honors work needs to be finished, and then shower. Mister Emoticon will smile for me.


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