Monday, August 27, 2007

It begins: the sequel

First day as a senior. All of my classes, including Stats, are shaping themselves up to be interesting.

I have the same teacher for Poetry as I did for creative writing last semester. She's already thrown out to the class the possibility of taking the seminar for Honors credit. I may do so. Our first project was to write name poems. We could pick a single adjective for each letter or work them into a sentence. I chose to take the latter route:

Every day
Till I have
Experienced the
Right life for me.

Shakespeare I will definitely be taking for Honors. I already talked about which plays we're reading. We'll also go to Ashland in late September to see Romeo & Juliet, As You Like It, and The Taming of the Shrew. I noticed throughout the day that all my classes are slightly on the large side and that I have a lot of repeating classmates.

The AP Statistics teacher is new this year, but he seems like a good find. No homework yet, but today he introduced us to a logic game called Nim (Nihm? Nym?). I was surprised that he lost one round; it looks like the sort of game where you can win every time if you know the proper trick.

Someone in Humanitas is taking it as a schedule filler. *knuckle crack* You could be denying another person who really wanted the class! Interestingly, this class appears to have two teachers aside from...I'll call him Zeus, as he rivals L. Peter Callender as a status elemental. I'm really looking forward to the meditation exercises; Bedlam's descriptions of them were highly interesting and curiosity-piquing.

Vince and Nixon are both in Classical Worlds with me. Ya-harr. As a matter of fact, eleven or so of us are returning students from his seventh-grade class. We have only one junior among us out of seventeen. This class has the largest non-text book.

Zeus is teaching The Divine Comedy as well.

The fall play was confirmed as Cuckoo's Nest. I'll audition for McMurphy (who isn't?) with Billy as my second choice. Tech Girl seems to think that role would fit me well. Better start looking for good monologues. The musical is still up in the air, but it definitely will not be Guys & Dolls.

Bedlam was visiting today! Yayyy! *Internet hug* I thought she would be at college by now, but she doesn't leave town until Friday. Come to think of it, there were several graduated seniors sighted on campus.

I switched out of T's advisory this year. Nothing personal; I'll be seeing plenty of him anyway, and I wanted to see more of Pillar before I graduated.

I have homework to do. Unorthodox homework, but homework nonetheless.

P.S. Odd dream last night: I was fitting "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" to a 3/4 meter. Not too hard, but I would like to know why?

I hope that another creative writing contest is staged this year. I have a couple of pieces in mind, and I would like an excuse to polish the end of my Lucid story.

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