Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The results for Cuckoo's Nest are in. I will be playing Bibbit. *smiles* I was quite surprised to see McMurphy go to Uncle Sam and not Vince, but I can't deny that he is appropriate for the role. I agree with the other actors that Bibbit is a good match for me, but I was hoping for more of a character stretch: he is basically a stuttering Oscar on steroids, and I think Oscar is the closest of my roles to what I'm like in real life. Still, there is one area in particular that will be quite a dramatic and emotional challenge (no spoilers in case you haven't seen/read OFotCN). In the meantime, I've gotten rid of my 'stache to play up Bibbit's relative youth, and T is arranging for me to meet with somebody he knows who actually has a stutter. One of her suggestions that he passed on, which makes a lot of sense, is less for the impediment itself than for understanding the psychological baggage that comes with having to interact with others: to use a stutter the next time I talk with people who don't already know me. I'll be meeting a representative of Reed college a couple of weekends from now, but something--I can't put my finger on it--is telling me to speak normally then. Oh, right: common sense.

Hopefully this sore throat will go away soon. It is very annoying, as sore throats are wont to be.

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