Monday, September 03, 2007

Freewriting snippets

Where, my children, have you gone?
Papa's lonely, hungry, too.
But all will be well if you
Come back with your prey by dawn.

The above is the result of my twisted little mind at nine in the evening.

Funny how nitrous oxide lets you realize that your mind is being tampered with even as it happens. That makes it not so bad, I suppose. At least you don't hallucinate.

The fourth wall is the most fragile thing in existence. You can't even notice it without breaking it. Or is it the most fragile thing in nonexistence?

When packing for school, my instincts are terrible. If I think I've forgotten something, I never have. The reverse is often true.

How much would you pay for a mobius pretzel? And is that with or without extra salt?

If moths shot arrows, the pantry would be the Battle of Thermopylae. Could a moth-sized arrow kill me?

The numbers don't matter. What the numbers count for matters.

Tomorrow is philosophy all morning. But I won't go to bed at noon.

Shakespeare. Ha. I love it when people use Shakespeare off the stage. Not that I object to Shakespeare onstage.


Your guess is as good as mine where I got the above. Sort of like Song's "Nemo, where the fuck are you!?" in acting class.

Miss them all! Lear in September or October?

I wish I were evil. Then belly laughing would be easy.

What was that plum doing on my bed, anyway?

If people could tinker with their emotions and memories at will, how many would better themselves, and how many would destroy themselves?

I don't know kung fu. But my click-pen does.

That's're almost there...just climb over one more body and...Whoops. I got there first. All because I said "please."

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