Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's the thought that counts

Parents turn on TV. Some program is on, young actors pretending to have sex. Parents promptly change to the nature channel. Voila, we see dolphins actually having sex.

Oh, well.

Venetian gathering today. Unfortunately, it was only Penguin, Squeak, and myself. Our discussions ranged from the Shakespearian to the randomly humorous to the morbid. I continue to maintain that Penguin deserves at least one awesome point for possessing a bobble-head Gollum.


Andy Cantor said...

Awww! I wanted to come!!! *cries in corner*

Oh well. At least I got my share of shakespere today, since I had my first "King John" rehersal.

Lilith said...

HE HAS ONE?!?!?! FRICKIN A, DUDE!! I'm jealous... :)