Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Various updates

I haven't said much lately, so here are the recent events of my life.

Conditioning for a 26-day Death Valley backpacking has begun. We've only met twice so far. Most of it is hiking (of course), but we also stretch and do some other things, e.g. hopping up and down stairs on one foot, balancing on one foot with eyes closed, walking up and down a thin rail running along said stairs, and such. I seem to be handling the hiking quite well.

Part of my backpack broke off today. It's still entirely useable, but I think it's a sign that this is the last year I'll use it.

Lilith is writing a play on her blog. Check it out.

Drama has spent the last few classes watching Good Will Hunting, and I will be co-directing one of the scenes with one of my classmates. For those of you who have seen the movie, it's the first scene where Will meets with Robin Williams's character.

In calculus we have begun working with integrals. *Vader voice* NOOOOOOOOOO!

Leaving appearance for last, I have started wearing my hair in a ponytail. It's still a bit short to be 100% practical, but I like it. Hopefully I can dissuade Peter T from making me chop it off for Oscar. Maybe I can hide my hair under my collar or something....


Lilith said...

YAY! My play! And you will most likely play Gary. *is fricking ecstatic!!*

YES! Your ponytail is awesome. It's the new you. If you chop it or do anything to it in any harmful way, I will ne'er talk to you again! Well, maybe a little... :)

And I feel so bad I've been neglecting my blog. And yours. Blogs in general. I haven't been reading or anything... Grr... *hits head with frying pan*
It's that damn musical! Not that I'm not happy to be in it, I'm thrilled. It's just I can't do other stuff. I now have to schedule my free time... "Blogging time" has now become "hanging with Sweety time".

Riva said...

You don't know me but...

What calculus are you in? We've been doing integrals for months now. They're actually kinda fun sometimes, especially when they involve e^x.

Peter said...

Calc AB.

Yeah, my dad also said that integrals can be fun. I hope for my sake y'all are right.