Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My 100th rumination/rambling

As the title implies, this is my hundredth post on my blog. Considering how heavily I was blogging through November and December, that's not particularly significant. I just noticed it and thought I would mention. Will save future milestone posts for milestones of time. Moving on.

Putting my TA hat on for a moment, I sent off another problem for the Algebra II classes yesterday. I hope they know their exponents and recursive functions or it could be a bit of a doozy.

School computers are evil. So slow, so reluctant to let me print or email stuff. I would just bring my laptop to school, but when I do my files have a nasty little habit of being sucked into a black hole. So that's obviously out.

Integrals just became a lot less evil, what with us learning the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus today.

Anime club met again at lunch today. We're watching Record of Lodoss War. Parn? Ghim? Etoh? The names in this series are so...so... (Beast interjects) Stupid.

Sweet Charity folks had a memo test for Act I today. I messed up on one of my lines, which is doubly infuriating since I knew the line earlier today, but that mistake notwithstanding I am 100% sure that I got an A on the test.

Keep smiling, all!

1 comment:

Lilith said...

Congrats on your 100th post! I'm not sure I'll ever get there...

YOU EVIL PERSON!! I don't like functions!! :P

I failed that test... Wups... :)