Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mouth opens, sound comes out

Again, I am possessed with the need to talk. And again, as is my near-default unless something significant just happened, I have nothing to say!

I hate that! Girls talk so EASILY, and even the guys I know have no problems contributing to a conversation. But most conversations in which I am involved consist of the other person talking and me listening, occasionally adding a word or two of my own. If I feel particularly talkative, I may even speak a full sentence. I have noticed over the years that one of the things I do is listen to other people's conversations. Even though it has nothing to do with me, it has almost the same effect as if I were included.

Seeing these words being typed out in front of me is little better. My computer can't talk back, and now everyone who reads my blog has a(nother?) window into my little world of self-pity. But it's still better than nothing, and I got a full paragraph out of it.

Now my thoughts turn to a journal I got back the other day. We had a free-write, and I wrote about my blog and the Venetians. The comments my creative writing teacher left said that she really learned a lot about me from reading the journal. I didn't get very deep or thoughtful, so I don't know how it told her "a lot" about me. But I guess that's why she's the teacher and I'm the student, huh?

Brain's run dry. Will come back later.

1 comment:

Lilith said...

That was Karla, no? You could say hello to that woman and she'd say it was the best thing she ever heard... :)