Thursday, February 22, 2007

Leaks and alterations

Today I felt tears on my face for the first time since I can remember. The really annoying part of it is this: I had no good emotional reason to cry! It was just my sickness (which, fortunately, is on the way out) messin with me and telling my eyes to become hot and watery. Pthhhb.

Banquo also gave me some more sanguinary troubles after lunch today.

Sweet Charity news: We changed some parts of my song, including the additino of Chariy singing alongside me for the second half. Also, some notes were lowered, which is good. Holding the E above middle C is not something at which I'm particularly good. I sang bass in the choir last year.

Tomorrow I'm just going to go ahead and get my hair cut for the show. Yes, I like it long, but cutting it will make things easier on everyone else, a ponytail is not particularly Oscar-appropriate, and seeing Eloquent with shorter hair finally pounded some sense into me: If people are cutting their hair for auditions, I'm really being an idiot to refuse to cut it for a performance. Also, Vince will leave me alone now.

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