Sunday, February 25, 2007

Yesterday's news

Had a prep hike for Death Valley yesterday. It was fairly enjoyable, and I spent a lot of time swapping riddles with people. When Vince saw my haircut he exclaimed, "Oh, my god! It's a Christmas miracle!" An utterance like that is very like him. After I got back from the hike, Impulse and I saw Presence in The Cherry Orchard. Squeak was also there on violin. I found the play enjoyable, if confusing at times.

Today I have an eight-hour rehearsal for Sweet Charity. Our first performance is either on Wednesday or Thursday. I'll report on how it went after I get back and finish my homework.

1 comment:

Andy Cantor said...

Gah! Curses! I wanted to go see that! I still wasn't over my flu. *sad face*