Monday, February 12, 2007

Love poems

Finished. I'm not sharing the sonnet, but I will put up the other one.

From Shakespeare’s pen and mouth of Cyrano
Countless flowery verses did once flow.
Love cannot be summed in phrases so.
From brushstrokes of da Vinci and Van Gogh
Countless vibrant, colored worlds did glow.
Love cannot be summed in pictures so.
From keys upon Beethoven’s piano
Countless notes and symphonies did grow.
Love cannot be summed in music so.
One in love can only love and know.

This may be the first time I have ever written a love poem. I'll be glad to get back to the old doom-and-gloom standbys when the muse rolls around again. Any day now...*taps foot*

1 comment:

Lilith said...

You are GOOD. I almost cried...