Friday, February 09, 2007

That's interesting.

Grr, my computer is being really slow right now. [/aside]

Hm. Can something be an aside if you haven't said anything else yet? I'll just assume so. [/other aside]

We'll be spending the next few creative writing classes watching Shakespeare in Love. [/third aside]

Now to my main point. Today at school I learned from a couple of freshmen (on two separate occasions, which adds credibility) that one of the freshman girls really likes me (to be honest, I had suspected something of the sort: calling out a greeting to someone at school every time you see that person isn't typical behavior). She's a perfectly nice person, but I just have to wonder why. Outside of the brief period of time she was cast in the Iraq War Project, she and I have had next to no contact. Perhaps it's my good looks? [NOTE TO SELF: Insert photo of Jude Law] Well, we talked at lunch today, and she asked me if I wanted to be friends. I said sure, but I hope that the "she's, like, obsessed with you" comment was an exaggeration; I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now, and even if I was I barely know her.

If I'm reading too much into this, it's probably because I've lived a lot of my life in a hole.


Lilith said...

:O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[singsong]Peter has a stalker, Peter has a stalker![/singsong]
Who is it?!

Lilith said...

BTW, JUDE LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

and... love your pic. Now no one can doubt that it's your good looks. ;)

PS: For people who don't know what he looks like, it's NOTHING like Gollum. :D

Peter said...

That is for me to know and you to obsess over! Muahahahaha!

Seriously, though, I'm not going to share that quite yet. Want to get to know her a bit better first.