Friday, December 08, 2006

Today, today, I post about today! I logged on and the world went awayyyy...todayyyyyyyy!

Came to school late, having no first class today. I smile.

Went over Sweet Charity Act I with Peter T, as he wanted some advice on what to cut. Still don't know my role! Grr!

Class meeting. Nothing interesting.

Calculus. Did some review for the final. I own the optimization problems.

Lunch. Had some nice conversations. Impulse and I still haven't pegged a Shakespearian personality for Strident. Sorry! Red Delicious (see Project Shut Up) found some hideously mildewy books on the Commons roof.

Spanish. Class was redirected to the library.

Bio. Spent the whole perio playing with clay. My hands are still tinged with blue, even after a good washing.

Frisbee. Juniors (myself included) carried the game. Two bestowed nicknames today were Blondie and Moppy (that's me).

Tonight I go to see Everything perform in The Nutcracker. I'll post about that later.

1 comment:

Lilith said...

Hmm, today was interesting, wasn't it. At least for me. But you sound amused. I'm gonna call you Moppy from now on, kk? ;)