Thursday, December 07, 2006

A mix of woohoos and blearghs

Woohoo! Mystery at Twicknam Vicarage performance today!

Bleargh! We didn't get as many laughs as expected!

Woohoo! New issue of The Pillar (school paper) today, and my poem was in it!

Bleargh! They got the title wrong (not that I'm not grateful, but still irritating)!

Woohoo! I got cast in Sweet Charity!

Bleargh! Not a single role has yet been assigned!


Lilith said...

I'm sorry I couldn't see your performance, I had an essay to write...

What was the title supposed to be?

Yeah, wtf is up with that? I wanna know if I have one line or two! ;)

-Hope you had an overall good day. :D

Peter said...

"Forever A Nightmare."

Nitpicky, I know.

Integrity said...

Yay for both of you!!

“I wanna know if I have one line or two!”
psh, watch you get Charity *crosses fingers for you* *crosses fingers for both of you*

Though two lines would be less of that thing called pressure. *wink*

The pillar, nice. Our paper is el caballero. I wish it had a name that I could understand. Papers should publish poetry… ours does not. We, well… don’t have enough pages to fit poetry on. We’re all about the new, which isn’t really news anyway.

Do you write for your paper?

Lilith said...

Well, El Caballero is what you get for going to a ghetto public high school where half the school understands the title because they're not originally from this country. ;)
*cries* Oh I miss it so much!! I was THIS close to learning Spanish just from going to that school!! Elo, please kidnap me and bring me home!!!!!!