Saturday, December 23, 2006

Dead like me

I met a man upon the street
Who said I would be late.
I know without a doubt that he
Had seen--had planned?--my fate.

As I walked by he touched my back.
I thought I felt a chill,
And then a heavy lamp did tumble
Off a windowsill.

A boy's life was with violence cut
Just like a power line.
In seconds did I realize
The life cut short was mine.

But from the corner of my eye
I saw a craven form
Dash from the ledge and vanish like
A rowboat in a storm.

I stood in shock; the man approached,
A post-it in his hand
Which held my name and time of death.
How fully was this planned?

The lights have come; they beckon me;
It's time for me to go,
And where I'm headed now I'm dead
Is not for him to know.


Andy Cantor said...


Peter said...

Don't blame me. Blame the poem's TV show namesake and inspiration.

On the other hand, my brain does tend to spew a lot of odd things when I'm about to fall asleep: poem ideas, mutated D&D monster ideas, or just surreal sequences of events and landscapes.

Andy Cantor said...

What TV show? I don't watch television.

Yeah, I get weird stuff in my head at night too. I also have kinda strange dreams. The other night I dreamt that my cat turned into a homicidal maniac. Scary.

Peter said...

Dead Like Me is something that a friend of my parents' intoduced to us. It's not on anymore, but she made us borrow her DVD of the first season.

Peter said...

As in, an otherwise-normal cat trying to kill you, or you cat transforming into a human homicidal maniac?

Andy Cantor said...

Nah, normal cat body, just suddenly having insane bloodlust for humans. Also I think he may have gotten bigger...