Saturday, December 09, 2006

Today's events being nutshelled in nature

I do not have much time, so I will not go into much detail.

Morning/Afternoon: Finally returned to acting class! Yay! Rehearsed scenes with Squeak and Presence. We also recruited Eloquent, who had come to see our work today, to help us out in places. My hand crushed many a styrofoam bowl. Went out with Venetians to a nearby cafe and had lunch. Gave rides to Impulse, Ridiculously Cute, and Presence. Got lost on the streets. Got in maternal trouble for not giving much thought as to what she would be doing during the proposed hour of Venetian socializing.

Evening: Went to see Strident in The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Got there late. Saw Eloquent also there. At intermission, Eloquent and I spent many happy minutes rendering the English language rather mangled in nature. Saw the rest of the play. Enjoyed it muchly. Afterward, munched truffles while we spent some time talking with Strident. Gave Eloquent a ride home. Decided that Eloquent and Poppet really need to meet sometime soon. You two would hit it off quite perfectly in nature.

My signing is somewhat off in nature.


Andy Cantor said...

Twas a fun day!

Lilith said...

Sounds like it. ;)